The Supper Club Project

Just what is this Supper Club thing?

In the context of racial reconciliation, this Supper Club thing is an intentional once-a-month gathering of Christians of all races to share a covered dish and honest conversation about race. Or more to the point, about biblical racial reconciliation.

This kind of reconciliation is the process of breaking down the barriers that separate believers, particularly blacks and whites  (in the US). It’s about healing hurts and calming the fears so that we can be free to be the Church of Jesus Christ—John 17 oneness style

What do you talk about in these meetings?

Having led Supper Club meetings for more than a decade, I can testify that every session is different. With a capital D! Discussion may be centered on a video on racial reconciliation, a current book on racial issues, or even a newspaper article on race in America.

Whatever the topic, the goal is heart-to-heart sharing and relationship building, so that ‘those other people’ will have a name, a face, and a story.

What denomination is this?

Supper club members attend churches of different denominations. However, all are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. There are ground rules.

  • Commit to attend regularly
  • Show openness and honesty, in love
  • Be willing to listen and share
  • Respect others who may have differing opinions

Linda, this sounds great. Can you help me start a Supper Club group.

Sure. I’ve created a packet of materials that will guide you through forming a group in your church or community. The packet is free of charge.

Sound okay? Please sign up to receive a notice when the Supper Club Kit is complete.

Galatians 3:26-29
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

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